
In Between the Lines

  • I am passionate about making better experiences.
  • I feel lucky to have found something that I both love to do and am good at doing.
  • When I apply myself to something I find it hard to tear myself away, both physically and mentally.
  • I tend to ‘information architect’ everything in my life.
  • I don’t believe in re-inventing the wheel, I prefer to build upon the good ideas of others as well as learn from their mistakes.
  • I believe in earning respect through hard work.
  • I always think before I speak.


  • I actually was born and raised right here in Southern California (the valley to be specific, yes, a “valley girl” but I don’t like to discuss that.)
  • I went to college in Tempe, Arizona where I realized that humans are not meant to live in the desert.
  • I did a semester exchange in Cologne, Germany which was the best thing I ever did in my life. The design school there taught me to be a thinker and to focus on understanding the problem before attempting to solve it – which is important in the field of design.
  • I studied Industrial Design, but in Germany decided that I really wanted to improve user experiences through how people interface with products without having to contribute to building more “stuff.”
  • Directly out of college, I got a job at Frog Design’s Digital Media team in Austin, Texas. I worked there for nearly 5 years and stayed in Texas for a total of 8 – going to SXSW each year.
  • When I decided it was finally time to move back to LA, being by the beach was the only option for me. I currently live in Venice, CA and love it.


  • I love to travel. I have been all over Europe and to Japan. Locally, I’ve road tripped up the west coast and around the southwest.
  • I am fascinated by volcanos and have been to Volcano’s National Park on Hawaii’s Big Island and have also walked the streets of Pompeii. My next volcanic destination has to be Yellowstone.
  • I love fresh sunshine and anything out in it. I’m not a fitness freak but I do like to run, yoga, and ride my beach cruiser to the local farmers market and the beach.
  • I trained and successfully completed a century bike ride (don’t ask how long it took me though!) I would love to do a casual bike ride tour through either Burgundy, France or Tuscany, Italy.
  • I love to track my stats when I run even though I’m not training for anything.
  • I am a new homeowner and am just finishing up a MAJOR remodel…which took over a year! So…NO, I am not moving anywhere anytime soon! (blog needs updating!)
  • I unwind my brain by watching reality TV.
  • I love animals and have two cats and two small terriers. My dream job would be somewhere I could bring them to work with me!
  • My favorite ice cream is HäagenDazs strawberry.
  • I passionately hate mustard and can detect in nearly any food or scent.
  • I recently eloped to Kauai to get married to a great guy, Mike Plummer. He is an editor, so if you know of any editing jobs – here is his site.
  • I now have a year and a half old son who is the light of my life.