Recipes+ Step-by-Step

Posted on November 2013

Create a fun and immersive way to guide users through content in a step-by-step way.

The Project

By realizing that recipes are more than just an article page, a small design team (3 people) identified a unique opportunity to break recipes up into snacking and deep dive binge experiences to meet users varying goals when looking cook something. They first need the high level information to decide if this is something they are interested in, which then opened up the idea to provide a guided, fun and immersive experience that they can use to actually cook that dish. This idea ended up extending beyond just recipes and into other types of content that can benefit from an overview / step-by-step format such as any other how-to guide such as travel, home improvement, style and technology.

My Contribution

  • Part of a 3-person design team that concepts this idea and pitched it to senior level executives.
  • Designed all wireframes to clearly communicate concept prior to design.
  • Extended original concept for recipes across other content types (travel, style and tech) to demonstrate the idea was scalable across several implementations.
  • Worked together with a visual designer to create mocks and interactive prototypes for desktop and mobile experiences.
  • Put together presentations to pitch idea to high level executives in a clear, concise, and brief manner.
  • Designed experience to work across all platforms – desktop, mobile and tablet.
Recipe Overview Page

Recipe Overview Page

Recipe Step-by-Step

Recipe Step-by-Step

Mobile Overview Page

Mobile Overview Page


Visual Design


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