Triple Scoop Music

Posted on October 2011


Growing music start-up that provides original music licenses to photographers needed a site redesign that could better represent their expanding business and features.

The Project

Triple Scoop Music created a niche business model for professional photographers who wanted to easily and legally license original music for their business. Over time, other companies entered the space with similar services that were not as robust but made Triple Scoop appear dated. In the meantime, Triple Scoop was continuing to expand their offerings to other markets and advance their features, but none of this was reflected on their original and dated website. The owners of Triple Scoop approached me to help them not only update their site but to offer a strategy that can help them appear to be a leader in the industry again by surfacing their expanded business model and features.

My Contribution

  • Work directly with buisness owners to identify site needs and opportunities.
  • Concept directions around an expanding feature set allowing for future continuous improvements and upgrades.
  • Main deliverable was detailed set of wireframes with specs.

Triple Scoop Music Website »


Site Map


Collections Index


Collection Page


Song Page


Visual Design
