Facebook Movies App

Posted on August 2008


Leverage Facebook’s social graph to create an engaging and interactive way to go see movies with your friends.

The Project

At the time Facebook had just opened its api’s to outside developers to create applications using facebook data to encourage sharing among a users social network of friends. Yahoo! wanted to create a social movies app for facebook geared to help users plan a movie night with their friends. Users could watch current and upcoming movie trailers, share what movies they wanted to see, see what movies their friends wanted to see, find local showtimes and buy tickets.

My Contribution

  • Work with product management to brainstorm social & interactive ways to combine Yahoo! api’s with Facebook’s social network.
  • Work with creative to come up with interesting ways to combine movie data to create events with users friends.
  • Worked hand-in-hand with engineering to solve UI problems on the fly.

Browse Movies


Play Video


Invite Friends to Movie


My Movie Stats


Visual Design